Our impact on rural communities
Since our founding in 2009, Groundswell International has invested over $19 million in hundreds of farming communities across 11 developing countries.
In 2023, Groundswell International’s global network:

Worked with over 114,891 farmer leaders to test and adopt agroecological methods through farmer-to-farmer training. Together, these farmers have restored over 162,409 hectares of degraded land, benefitting over 1,562,222 people.
2023 Annual Report →
Empowered 57,000 women farmers to participate in savings and credit groups, improve ecological production, gain access to productive assets, and diversify their livelihoods, which in turn improved their families’ food security, incomes and resilience.

Nourished vulnerable families by explicitly integrating gender equity and nutrition into agricultural programs. Our holistic approach links agroecological farming to family nutrition.
Strengthened local markets and increased farmers’ incomes through savings and credit groups and community-based agricultural enterprises that add value to locally grown crops.

Created enabling policies through citizen engagement with decision makers. We also synthesized lessons across our network and produced influential case studies, policy briefs and reports that contribute to the necessary transition to agroecology.